About Us

Preliminary studies suggest the use of CBD products greatly assist patients in chronic pain management.

HERBZEEDY LLC is a rapidly growing company based in Georgia USA, dedicated to manufacturing and distributing natural organic health products not only in the USA but all around the world. All HERBZEEDY CBD products are made 100% in the USA.

Although the first and biggest division is the CBD products, there are several other natural and organic health products in the pipeline.

The founder’s vision for HERBZEEDY is the manufacturing and distribution of high-quality natural organic health products at affordable prices to everyone around the world. The vision came from the personal experience of the CEO with CBD products in managing chronic migraine headaches. After several unsuccessful attempts at conventional treatments for migraine headaches, she finally found relief with CBD products in conjunction with other remedies recommended by her doctor.

HERBZEEDY is synonymous with natural organic health products of the highest quality, safety and dependability. All our products are tested by third-party laboratories for content and safety and the results are regularly posted on the website.

We hope you love HERBZEEDY products as much as we do!

HERBZEEDY Management


CBD and Supporting Pain Management

Chronic and acute pain is often a major symptom (and represents a significant cost) of many short- and long-term illnesses. Common pain culprits include lower back pain, migraines, joint pain, muscle aches, and stiffness.

Depending on the specific disorder, common pain relievers may not always be effective. Fortunately, preliminary studies suggest the use of CBD products greatly assist patients in chronic pain management and increase their quality of life. CBD is particularly an excellent option for patients suffering from chronic pain who may be sensitive to known medications as well.

Specific CBD dosage levels vary depending on the severity of the pain, and physicians recommend patients start at lower dosage levels then increase the dosage as needed.


What’s Good About Cannabidiol (CBD) Products?

For many years, people have relied on Cannabidiol (CBD) products for effective and fast-acting relief from anxiety, convulsions, depression, inflammation, and nausea. Additionally, CBD products have also been an effective sleep aid and muscle relaxant.

Definitive scientific evidence also notes CBD’s effectiveness in treating childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which generally aren’t relieved by known antiseizure medications. Across numerous studies, CBD is shown to effectively reduce pain or eliminate it altogether.

CBD is also commonly used to address insomnia and modern studies suggest CBD is useful in helping patients fall asleep and stay asleep.


Is Vaping for me?

Don’t get caught up in all the horror stories heard about vaping. The truth is vaping is an easy and convenient way to use CBD. Also, anyone can vape.

Twist the (pre-filled) cartridge onto the battery; take a deep breath in through the mouthpiece and breathe out. It turns on when you inhale and automatically turns off when not in use. Charge the battery occasionally with a USB charger.

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